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After the Christmas holidays I’m filled with new ideas and energy for writing, spring cleaning, organizing my house, crafting, cooking…you get the idea.  I always overdo it with the new year’s resolutions, but I’m eager to make 2014 the best year ever. Since January first I’ve been reflecting on what I think is important for me to accomplish in 2014.  Instead of resolving to change many aspects of my life as I do almost every year, I want to make one change, one change that will become a habit and produce the success I’m after.

I think I’ve found it, and it’s pretty simple. I’m going to get up ten minutes early so I can write for 45 minutes to an hour before work. Ten minutes doesn’t seem like a problem, I know. Right now I wake up at five AM. I spend about half an hour with my dog in the morning sipping my coffee and sometimes reading if I can keep my eyes open. She naps at my feet. Being with her in the early morning gives me a peaceful beginning to an otherwise hectic day centered around my high school students.

My new routine on school days will go something like this: Turn on my computer, pour a cup of coffee, and climb to my loft. Write or revise from 5 AM until 5:45 AM.

Changing my habits won’t be easy for me; I love my sleep and my time with Stella. But I ‘m ready to sail into a new phase of of my life. I’m ready to change to succeed in my writing career (what others see as only a hobby for me I’m sure). I’m tired of answering the question of how’s the writing going with, “Pretty good. I’m revising still.”  By the end of this year, the answer to that question will be, “I’m finishing writing my second book and have an agent who just sold my first manuscript!”

This is my time to make my dreams my reality. My writing life will come first, before work, before exercise, before breakfast… but not before coffee. I think my muse needs coffee. She’s addicted, but she shows up! This year will be full of new possibilities for me.  I am a writer.  I will succeed. 2014 is my year!

What habits are you cultivating this new year? What success are you planning for 2014?